Trebas Institute Ontario is thrilled to announce that Red Hood, an action thriller created by Film and Television Production and Post-Production alum Alexandre Corbeil, has been selected for screening at the Toronto Indie Horror Fest this fall. The festival will take place from October 1 to 4 at Eyesore Cinema on Bloor Street West near Dufferin Street. This achievement marks a significant milestone in Corbeil’s filmmaking journey, reflecting his dedication and hard work.
During his time at Trebas, Corbeil honed his creative skills and refined the script for his film with the support of instructors and classmates. He emphasized the importance of collaboration and humility in the creative process: “You have to be able to put your ego aside and be willing to accept that there are ways to make things better.”
After completing the shoots and final editing, Corbeil shared Red Hood with colleagues and mentors, receiving widespread praise. Today, his work has gained recognition on a larger stage in the very city he pursued his filmmaking education.
Trebas Institute Ontario congratulates Alexandre Corbeil on his dedication and success and looks forward to seeing more of his projects in the future. To see a screening of Red Hood, please visit this website to purchase tickets.
Learn more about Trebas Institute Ontario’s Film and Television Production and Post-Production program here, and reach out to if you have any questions or inquiries.