Get Started With Trebas


In recent weeks, the team of Trebas Institute Quebec Inc. has been rigorously preparing for the upcoming term to provide you with the best possible student experience. Mental health has been the center of our preoccupations.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of a new student mental health and wellness program with StudyInsured™.

Though StudyInsured™, Trebas Institute Quebec Inc. will provide short-term therapy and counselling to improve mental health  to all its active students and their dependents. These services will be available to eligible students free of charge.

Access to clinical care services is simple and care is immediate by connecting with the intake team.

Several access points are available for the support of student members:

StudyInsured™ Assistance:

Contact Emergency Assistance 24 hours a day for any emergency medical assistance

From Canada and the United States, call toll free 1-866-883-9787

From anywhere in the world, call collect +1 +1 416-640-7865

Please note that you need your student ID number when contacting counsellors.

Services are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Diverse counsellor profiles are available.

We hope that with this new service, you will have the support and help you need to improve your mental health and well-being.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any questions and comments.