From Friday, May 3 to Monday, May 5, students from Trebas Institute’s Film & Television Production and Post-Production programs took part in the 48-Hour Film Project Festival at the Revue Cinema.
The team, dubbed the “Trebas Terminators,” was spearheaded by Trebas Institute student Steve Birtles, with assistance from academic operations manager Kal Szegvary. The dynamic group comprised 12 students, and Kenny Nguyen, a faculty member from the Audio Engineering & Production/DJ Arts program, lent his audio expertise during post-production.
In just 48 hours, the Trebas Terminators successfully produced a seven-minute film titled ICE WARS, depicting the adventures of two committed members of an intergalactic ice pirate’s criminal investigation office as they track down notorious criminals. The incorporation of black-and-white cinematography, along with the addition of a puppeteer, brought forth a dynamic fusion of comedy and a rejuvenated take on the classic noir film genre.
The remarkable work ethic demonstrated by the Trebas Terminators serves as a testament to the exceptional motivation and talent fostered at the college. It showcases the students’ ability to adapt to fast-paced demands while consistently delivering outstanding work.