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Trebas Ontario Students Work on Hip Hop Documentary

Students gain opportunity with renowned director and hip-hop legends...

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Trebas Ontario Students Work On Hip Hop Documentary

Field Trip to Canada’s Largest Music Store

Audio students benefited from learning and networking opportunities...

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Long & Mcquade Banner

Trebas Ontario Meets Toronto’s Mayor

What they talked about at Canadian Music Week...

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Trebas Ontario Meets Torontos Mayor

A Better Way to Pay Your Tuition

Introducing CIBC International Student Pay...

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CIBC Campaign Launch

Trebas Institute Joins Canadian Music Week

A premier event for music industry experts, artists, and aspiring music professionals...

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Trebas Joins Industry Experts During Canadian Music Week Mini

Trebas Toronto welcomes an established audio-visual company to its campus

Students gained insightful knowledge about the visual-audio industry...

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Established Audio Visual Company Visits Trebas Mini

Students Shine at Canadian Women in Cybersecurity Conference

Trebas Institute Toronto students reach semi-final round of Capture the Flag competition at cybersecurity conference...

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Students Shine At Canadian Women In Cybersecurity Conference

Trebas Institute Quebec Inc. alumni shine at international film festivals

Big wins at Hollywood Gold Awards and Paris Film Awards...

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Trebas Institute Quebec Inc. Alumni Shine At International Film Festivals

Trebas Institute participates in 48-Hour Film Project

From Friday, May 3 to Monday, May 5, students from Trebas Institute’s Film & Television Production and Post-Production programs...

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Trebas Terminators Take On 48 Hour Film Project

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