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Trebas Film Students Enter Prestigious Film Festivals

Film & Television

You don’t often see students getting these kinds of nominations...

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Trebas holds training sessions for peer mentors

On February 16, Trebas Institute Toronto held a training session for its current student peer mentors at our downtown campus location...

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Trebas Holds Training Sessions For Peer Mentors

Trebas announces new GUS Canada Colleges Pathway Scholarship

Trebas Institute Toronto is proud to announce a partnership with the University Pathway Program (UPP) at The Language Gallery Canada (TLGC)...

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Trebas Announces New GUS Canada Colleges Pathway Scholarship

An Interview with Jeff Wright, Head of Our Audio Department

Audio and Sound

Learn the value of in-person education, the qualities of a successful audio professional, and more.

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An Interview With Jeff Wright, Head Of Our Audio Department

Trebas announces partnership with Michigan Language Assessment

A new way for students to provide proof of English proficiency.

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New Partnership With Michigan Language Assessment

Data Analytics in Sports

Business & Technology

How data analytics is used for player recruitment, injury prevention, game strategizing, and more.

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Data Analytics In Sports

Trebas’ Participation in TSoM’s 2024 Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Competition

Business & Technology

We are proud to announce that two teams from Trebas Institute Toronto are joining the Toronto School of Management’s 2024.

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Five Questions for Onamie, Trebas Film Graduate and Film Maker

Film & Television

Trebas graduate discusses their creative process, the ethical responsibilities of filmmakers, and more.

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Five Questions For Onamie, Trebas Film Graduate And Film Maker

A Chat with GHALIA – Artist, Audio Engineer, and Trebas Grad

Audio and Sound

GHALIA discusses her experiences at Trebas, her work as an artist and more...

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A Chat With Ghalia – Artist, Audio Engineer, And Trebas Grad

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